
During your stay

You will be able to take advantage of many activities in order to deepen the discovery of this region of Costa Rica, while finding a comfortable base camp each evening: surfing, hiking, exploring, diving, horseback riding, mountain biking, golf… the list is far from being complete!

We are located in a region full of wonders to discover, some in the immediate vicinity of our lodge, others a little further away but always in the same area of the country. Multiple possibilities and formulas are proposed to satisfy all the budgets.

Whether you are a surfer, a simple traveler in search of tranquility, a nature lover, active or contemplative, you will surely find your happiness as the facets of this region are multiple: there is not only the beach but many other activities in Costa Rica, and you will need several visits before having made the complete tour of the region.

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Close to Rancho Coco

Nearby beaches, wildlife viewing, horseback riding, surfing, stand up paddle, yoga and other wellness activities, local restaurants...


A little further

Still in our area, turtles, crocodiles and migratory birds, exploration of the north and south coasts, volcanoes, fumaroles and waterfalls, snorkeling and diving...